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Frozen Pizza Cost: A Deep Dive into What Americans Are Spending on This Frozen Food Staple


Meta Description: This in-depth blog examines the popularity of frozen pizza in American homes and dives deep into factors affecting frozen pizza prices, typical costs, savings strategies, and future outlook.

The specialty frozen pizza market is booming — and for a good reason. With the day-to-day demands of our modern lifestyles, it’s crucial to have a quick, yet still delicious, way to feed ourselves. When we don’t have time to make our own dough or cook up a proper dinner, it’s nice knowing we can just grab a frozen pizza from the freezer and have something decently tasty in minutes.

But what about the price? Average food costs in America are rising left and right due to inflation. So what is this convenience really costing us? In this blog post we’ll break down everything related to the cost of our most popular frozen meals.

Americans Love Frozen Pizzas

Before diving into the money talk, let’s get some perspective on how important these circular pies are in American households. Statista and Mintel recently did surveys that showed over 94% of Americans have eaten at least one frozen pizza before. That might be due to the fact they’re so accessible though. In 2022 alone, 13% reported cooking up some at home once per week.

It makes sense though; these dough disks are available nearly everywhere in our country and they’re pretty tasty too! Whether you prefer microwaveable or oven baked, everyone can agree on how much of a life saver keeping these bad boys stocked in your kitchen can be.

National chains like Walmart, Kroger, Publix, Safeway all carry those top brands like DiGiorno, Red Baron and Tombstone that we’ve all come across at some point as well. However there are also several store brands that people love because they’re cheaper than their competition but still just as easy to make at home!


Why Are Some Frozen Pizzas More Expensive Than Others?

Key Factors Affecting Frozen Pizza Price

If you’ve never bought any frozen pizzas before you better listen up: not all prices were created equal. Here are three main things that impact the price of a frozen pizza both for food producers and for you as a consumer.

  • What’s In It? – The ingredients in a pizza will make or break its cost. Real cheese, vegetables and meat are all more expensive than their alternative options. Simple pepperoni or plain cheese pies are always cheaper because they’re made with cheap materials.
  • How You Know It – Those ads that play every commercial break aren’t free! Major brands like the ones mentioned above all have to include ad costs into their final price tag, which makes it higher than any other competitor. They also have more employees on staff and own more factories so their prices don’t just stop at advertising. Store brands usually only put a small amount of money toward marketing, if any at all.
  • How Big Is It? – If you can eat one slice or 10 slices before getting full, this factor could be the most important one for you to pay attention to. Bigger pizzas use more ingredients but cost less per slice in total while smaller ones are pretty much the opposite. Some people might prefer to spend extra money upfront while others spend less and buy multiple pies.

Specialty Options

It is no surprise that specialty items still come with a hefty price tag. Whether people want thin crust or thick crust there is an option out there for them; same goes for cauliflower or gluten-free dough too! But even though certain recipes might be better for some specific diets, these types of pizzas are almost always a few dollars extra than their regular counterparts.

  • How & Where You Buy – Convenience stores, club stores, discount stores, gas stations, grocery store chains and other retailers each have different pricing strategies for frozen pizza and other frozen grocery items.
  • Coupons & Promotions – Be sure to take advantage of weekly sales discounts, paper coupons, printable online coupons, rebates, store loyalty programs and other promotions to lower your cost.

Based on the data, frozen pizzas are 30-50 percent cheaper than restaurant pizzas of the same size and with similar toppings. And that’s before considering delivery fees, tips and service charges that pizza places tack on. Freezing and cooking pizzas at home is much less expensive than ordering takeout or delivery.

How Much Households Spend Annually on Frozen Pizzas


Now we know how much frozen pizzas from grocery stores cost on average, but how much do American households spend on them in total each year?

According to market research, in 2022, the sales of frozen pizza from retailers amounted to more than $5.6 billion across the United States. With approximately 130 million households nationwide, that comes out to about $43 per household per year for frozen pizza.

However, some families and individuals buy and eat a lot more frozen pizza than others. A household filling a freezer with them and eating this convenient meal multiple times weekly likely spends more than $200 annually just on frozen pizza alone. On the other hand, households that only grab one occasionally as a quick meal may spend $50 or less.

Marital status and family size also affect spending on frozen pizza. Single people and couples without kids at home often purchase fewer because they have fewer mouths to feed. According to Statista consumer surveys, households with children spend 19 percent more overall on all types of frozen foods — including frozen pizza — compared to homes without kids.

Beyond demographics, geography and regional food preferences also influence annual expenditures by households for these pies in the freezer.

Here is a ranking of states where households spend the most annually per person according to a market research conducted in 2022:

  1. North Dakota – $81
  2. South Dakota – $78
  3. Iowa – $72
  4. Ohio – $69
  5. Michigan – $69
  6. Kansas – $65
  7. Nebraska – $64
  8. Wyoming – $63
  9. Wisconsin – $62
  10. Minnesota – $62

Annual Household Spending on Frozen Pizza

Buy bulk frozen pizza toppings like sausage, peppers, onions, etc. and add them to a plain cheese pizza

DIY freezer meals by making several family sized pizzas in one go rather than individual ones.

With the right shopping strategies people can still eat delicious frozen pizzas regularly without going over budget. Take advantage of store brands, bulk deals, sales prices, coupons and loyalty programs for solid savings overtime.


The future of frozen pizza pricing

Experts predict gradual price hikes in the coming years. Inflationary pressures, supply chain issues, higher costs for ingredients and transportation along with rising wages will affect prices across all major brands.

However this doesn’t mean it won’t be manageable. Grocery stores will continue to run promotions, discounts and sales prices to keep customers around. Manufacturing improvements could help offset some cost increases as well.

Wrapping Up

Frozen pizzas should remain an affordable option for most households but smart shopping will be key going forward if you want to keep costs down.

Frozen Pizza Cost Summary:

  • Home convenience and cheaper than restaurant/delivery is why demand is high.
  • Ingredients, brands sizes, stores and promotions are the main influences on price.
  • Frozen Pizzas cost 30-50% less than restaurant or delivered pizza.
  • You’ll spend between $50-$200+ per year based on preferences.
  • Strategic shopping can save you tons. 

Keep all these tips in mind next time you’re at the grocery store if you want to enjoy your frozen pizza without breaking the bank!

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