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Einkorn Pizza Crust: Quick And Easy Dough For Crispy Pizza Crust

Einkorn Pizza Crust

In my journey to create the perfect pizza crust, I went back in time and found that it was closer than I thought. An ancient grain, einkorn wheat is an old way of making crusts. Unlike modern wheat, this one has been known to have a rich nutritional profile and delicate flavor. Who wouldn’t want a pizza that’s easier on the stomach? My appreciation for the art of pizza making made me very interested in using Einkorn.

The ancient roots and current rise of einkorn offered a unique promise –– something you couldn’t get from normal flour: a crust that stands apart. In this blog post, I’m diving deep into why einkorn is rising again, what health benefits it comes with and most importantly: how can we use it to make an extraordinary crust? Let’s get those creative minds brewing!

Whether you’re new or experienced with this type of baking, I hope this guide helps you understand everything about making your own einkorn pizza crust.

Why Einkorn Dough for Your Pizza Crust?

Triticum monococcum: It is also known as einkorn (ancient wheat) , one of the first forms of cultivated wheat… 10K years ago! Aside from its history which food nerds will love, there are lots of benefits for adding it into your diet today.

Here’s a nutritional comparison chart that compares the nutritional values, such as protein content, fiber, and estimated mineral content, of Einkorn wheat to modern wheat and other ancient grains like spelt, emmer, and kamut. This chart highlights Einkorn’s health benefits, showcasing its higher fiber and mineral content relative to modern wheat and competitive protein levels among ancient grains.

Next up is flavor: Again unlike conventional flour that tastes bland… Eiknorn brings lots more depth per bite by offering slight nuttiness on top of everything else.

Lastly digestibility: Eiknorn still has gluten so it won’t work for everyone but some people reported being able to tolerate it more than normal flour.

Choosing einkorn in your pizza crust means you’re going through the trouble of making crust from scratch… So you might as well make it healthier, tastier, and more digestible (if that applies to you).

Making a great einkorn pizza crust starts by selecting quality einkorn flour. As an ancient grain, it is very particular about how things are balanced and prepared. So when it comes to ingredients, you’ll want to have water, yeast, salt, and something sweet that will activate the yeast (honey or sugar). It’s important as well to have all the necessary tools such as a mixing bowl, whisk or stand mixer, and a hot oven.

Here’s a comparison chart that outlines the handling characteristics of Einkorn dough versus traditional wheat dough, focusing on aspects like elasticity, hydration needs, and gluten formation:

Traditional Wheat
Hydration Needs
Gluten Formation

Einkorn sourdough is less elastic, requires more hydration, and forms weaker gluten compared to traditional wheat dough, affecting how bakers might approach dough preparation and baking techniques for optimal results. ​​

Einkorn Pizza Crust

Where to Find Einkorn Flour for Pizza Dough

Today you can find this special ingredient in many more places than before. Some may be familiar with health food stores but even online retailers offer them now. Many of which come organic and whole-grain options. Although availability has increased we still need to focus on quality flour since it significantly impacts the taste.

The line graph displays the optimal temperature range for baking Einkorn pizza compared to traditional wheat pizzas. It shows how the temperatures affect the baking time, with Einkorn pizza requiring slightly less time at higher temperatures than traditional wheat pizzas.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Einkorn Pizza Crust

Preparing the Dough: In warm water dissolve your yeast then add in your sweetener so then activation happens naturally. When adding the einkorn flour make sure not to do it too fast so that when mixed with salt you get a consistency that is hydrated but also manageable.

Kneading and Resting: After lightly kneading your dough let it rise somewhere warm until it doubles in size.

Rolling Out Your Dough: Since this type of dough is tender be cautious of how much pressure you apply when using a rolling pin or hands. With this texture only patience paired with gentle touches will get you where you wanna be.

Rolling and Shaping Your Crust

Regardless if you like thin or thick crust they must be rolled out carefully so nothing gets messed up along the way. Of course there may be times where rips occur but taking advantage of these mishaps might bring some added character.

Topping Your Einkorn Pizza

With its rich nutty flavor there are endless variations of toppings for an einkorn pizza. Traditional ones that use mozzarella and basil can be great, but there are more unique ones that lean on the grain’s taste. When topping don’t forget about moisture levels because a soggy crust is no fun.

Baking Your Einkorn Pizza

Using a hot oven will be key since it should be at around 450-500°F(230-260°C). Additionally if you have a preheated pizza stone you’ll get an even cook and crispy bottom. As always ovens do vary so either time or temperature adjustment might be needed depending on yours.

Einkorn Pizza Crust

Troubleshooting Common Issues

The soggy crust may mean you need to bake your pizza for a few minutes before putting toppings on top. And when dealing with unevenly baked goods moving things around always helps. These unique properties of einkorn require different methods but in the end I promise it’ll all be worth it.

Serving and Enjoying Your Einkorn Pizza

To preserve the looks of everything let the pizza sit for a while before slicing. Alongside it think of having something light, maybe like a salad or red wine to create balance in each bite.

Preserving Your Einkorn Pizza Crust

If you find yourself with any leftover dough then just put it in the fridge for next time, same goes with already-cooked pizza as well. Now you’ll always have einkorn aside from pizza night!

In Conclusion

For those who don’t know this, making einkorn flour as your pizza crust isn’t just baking anything—it’s a trip into the lives of our ancestors. And when it comes to traditions and flavors from back then, it’s always good. This guide is telling you to mess around with the flour, now go have fun finding out what you can make with it! Also, don’t forget that pizza isn’t eaten alone so make sure to share your creation and its recipe.

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